Skavenbrew (30 pts)


One use only. At the start of the game, a character carrying Skavenbrew can force a single unit of Clanrats or Stormvermin in base contact to guzzle the vile liquid. Skavenbrew only affects the unit, but no character models would be so unwise as to drink the potion. Roll a D6 and consult the table below:
1 Gone Bad. The unit takes D6 Strength 3
automatic hits with the Ignores Armour save special rule. The Skavenbrew has no additional effect.
2-3 Inspired Hatred. The unit is subject to Hatred.
4-5 Frenzied. The unit is subject to Frenzy.
6 Rabid. The unit's metabolism is driven hyperactive, ramping up to a feverish pitch. The unit is subject to both Frenzy and Hatred. At the start of Skaven player's subsequent turns, the unit will take D6 automatic wounds as some of the ratmen collapse, hearts or brains bursting with fury.