War Machine

War Machines cannot Declare Charges, March, Pursue or Declare any Charge Reaction other than Hold. They can only shoot if they did not move in the Movement Phase. War Machines have round bases, which means they have no Flank or Rear facings / arcs and can draw Line of Sight from any point on their bases, in any direction.
When a War Machine fails a Panic Test, instead of Fleeing it may not shoot in its next Shooting Phase.
When a unit charges a War Machine, follow the same rules as for normal Charge Moves, except that the charging unit can move into base contact anywhere. Ignore the War Machine’s facing and ignore maximizing number of models in base contact, but you must still contact the War Machine with the charging unit’s Front Facing.
When fighting a War Machine in combat, all models that can draw an uninterrupted line straight forward from any point on their base to the War Machines base can attack it. Models in the second rank can make supporting attacks as normal. War Machines that Break from combat are automatically destroyed.