Swallow Whole

As the Ghorgon rampages through the enemy’s battle line, it feeds hungrily upon its foes. As it does so, its flesh flushes red and wounds re-knit.

During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Ghorgon that is engaged in combat with one or more units of ‘regular infantry’ or ‘heavy infantry’ may choose to make a ‘Swallow Whole’ attack. To make a Swallow Whole attack, nominate an enemy unit of regular or heavy infantry that the Ghorgon is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

• If this test is failed, the Ghorgon grabs a victim from the unit and stuffs them into its gullet. A single model belonging to the target unit is immediately removed from play as a casualty.
• If this test is passed, the warriors manage to avoid the grasping Ghorgon. No one is picked up and the attack has no effect.

Each time an enemy model is removed from play in this way, the Ghorgon recovers a single lost Wound.