Cannon Of The Sky-Titans

A cannon of the Sky-titans, despite being wielded crudely by Ogres, is actually a very robust and sophisticated weapon. It can fire whole clutches of cannonballs at once, allowing it to do a tremendous amount of damage, although its range is limited.

Cannon of the Sky-Titans R S AP Special Rules
Solid shot 36" 10 -3 Armour Bane (2), Cannon Fire, Cumbersome, Multiple Wounds (D3+1)
Scatter shot N/A 4 -1 Breath Weapon

Notes: A Cannon of the Sky-Titans has two profiles, representing its two modes of firing. When firing solid shot, this weapon shoots like a cannon, using the ‘Cannon Fire’ special rule. This weapon uses the Ironblaster Misfire table.

Ironblaster Misfire Table
D6 Result
1 Kaboom! Constantly mistreated by the Ogres, the cannon explodes spectacularly.
The model is destroyed and immediately removed from play.
2-3 Krrack! With a tremendous crack, the cannon splits along its length, rendering it
useless. The model cannot shoot with this weapon for the remainder of the game.
4-6 Ack! Through its own ineptitude, the Gnoblar Scrapper has become stuck in
the mechanism. The model does not shoot this turn and cannot shoot with this
weapon during the next round.