Screaming Skull Catapult

R S AP Special Rules
Screaming Skull catapult 12-60" 4 (8) -1 (-3) Bombardment, Cumbersome, Flaming Attacks, Magical Attacks, Move or Shoot, Multiple Wounds (D3+1), Screaming Skulls

Notes: This weapon shoots like a stone thrower, using the ‘Bombardment’ special rule, a 3" blast template and the Stone Thrower Misfire table. The Multiple Wounds (D3+1) special rule applies only to a single model whose base lies underneath the central hole of the blast template.

Screaming Skull Catapult Special Rules

Screaming Skulls: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

Skulls of the Foe: Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, any enemy unit that was within 2D6" of the central hole of the blast template after scattering suffers a -1 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2).