Helstorm Rocket Battery

R S AP Special Rules
Helstorm Rocket Battery 12-48" 3 -1 Cumbersome, Helstorm, Move or Shoot

Notes: This weapon uses a number of 3" blast templates and the Black Powder Misfire table.

Helstorm Rocket Battery Special Rules

Helstorm: A Helstorm Rocket Battery launches a barrage of rockets high into the sky, passing over intervening regiments and even terrain. When shooting with this weapon, work your way through the following steps:

1. Choose Target: No line of sight is required for this weapon. Instead, choose an enemy unit that is between its minimum and maximum range to be the target and place D3 blast templates so that the central hole of each is over that unit.

2. Scatter: Once each template has been placed, it will scatter. Roll an Artillery dice and a Scatter dice for each template in turn:
• If a ‘Misfire’ is rolled on the Artillery dice, the rocket has failed to launch. Once all shots from this weapon have been resolved, roll once on the appropriate Misfire table for each Misfire rolled.
• If a ‘Hit!’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, use the small arrow above the Hit! symbol to determine the direction of the scatter and move the template a number of inches equal to the roll of the Artillery dice minus the crew’s Ballistic Skill characteristic (to a minimum of zero).
• If an arrow is rolled on the Scatter dice, move the template a number of inches equal to the roll of the Artillery dice in the direction the arrow points.

3. Damage: Any model whose base lies underneath a template risks being hit by this weapon.