Magische Standards

Oger Khans

Aether Icon

The bearer can make Dispel Attempts as if it was a Wizard Master.

Banner of Discipline

The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.

Banner of Speed

The bearer's unit gains +1 Movement.

Rending Banner

All non-character models in the bearer’s unit gain Armour Piercing (1).

Skull of Qenghet

Models in the bearer’s unit cause Fear and automatically pass Terror Tests.

Dragonskin Banner

Models in the bearer’s unit may reroll to-hit, to-wound, and Armour Save rolls of ‘1’ in the first Round of Combat (including Special Attacks).

War Standard

The bearer's unit adds +1 to the Combat Score of any combat they are involved in.

Stalker's Standard

The bearer’s unit gains Strider and Swiftstride.

Flaming Standard

The bearer's unit automatically passes all Panic Tests.

Gleaming Icon

One use only. Must be activated the first time the bearer's unit fails a Leadership Test. The unit may reroll the failed test.

Icon of the Relentless Company

One use only. Activate at the start of any of your Remaining Moves sub-phases. Infantry models in the bearer's unit can triple its Movement when Marching instead of doubling it this turn. This March Move cannot be longer than 15" and cannot be used in Game Turn 1 if the unit has used Vanguard or Scout.