Oger Khanate

Oger Khanate (v2024 review 1)

Armour Enchantments

Karkadans Ausdauer

max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Suit of Armour)

Der Träger erhält +1 Widerstandsfähigkeit, ihm misslingen aber automatisch alle besonderen Schutzwürfe.


max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Suit of Armour)

Der Träger erhält +1 Rüstung. Gegnerische Einheiten in Basekontakt mit dem Träger erleiden -1 Agilität.


max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Suit of Armour)

Der Träger erhält +1 Rüstung. Attacken gegen den Träger können niemals eine Stärke von mehr als 5 haben.


max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Light Armour)

Der Träger erhält +2 Rüstung und +1 Stärke.



max 1 per Army

Der Träger erhält Stomp Attacks (W3+1) und alle Modelle in der Einheit des Trägers müssen misslungene Verwundungswürfe mit Niedertrampeln- Attacken wiederholen.


max 1 per Army

Der Träger erhält Gebirgspelz.

Lygurs Zunge

max 1 per Army

Gegnerische Einheiten in Basekontakt mit dem Träger erleiden -1 Attackewert.

Weapon Enchantments


max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Paired Weapons, Iron fist)

Attacken mit dieser Waffe erhalten Lethal Strike, +1 Rüstungsdurchschlag, werden zu Magischen Attacken und können niemals schlechter als auf 3+ treffen.

Khagadais Erbe

max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Great Weapon)

Mit dieser Waffe durchgeführte Attacken erhalten Multiple Wounds (W3) und werden zu Magischen Attacken.


max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Brace of Ogre Pistols, Ogre Crossbow)

Diese Waffe hat Schüsse 4, Str 4 und RD 2 (die Reichweite hängt davon ab, welche Waffe verzaubert wird). Diese Waffe erhält außerdem Poison Attacks und Magical Attacks (bei einem Ogerpistolenpaar betreffen beide Attack Attributes auch Nahkampfwaffenattacken, die damit durchgeführt werden). Eine verzauberte Ogerarmbrust verliert Area Attack (1×5). Mit dieser Waffe durchgeführte Schussattacken treffen immer auf 4+.

Ritueller Blutdolch

max 1 per Army (Enchantment: Hand Weapon, Paired Weapons, Iron fist)

Nur SchamanenDer Träger erhält +1 Offensivfertigkeit und +1 Attackewert, während er diese Waffe benutzt. Mit ihr durchgeführte Attacken werden zu Magischen Attacken. Für jede nicht verhinderte Verwundung mit dieser Waffe erhält der Besitzer eine Schleiermarke.

Banner enchantement

Schädel des Qenghet

max 1 per Army

Die Einheit des Trägers erhält Fear und besteht automatisch durch Entsetzen verursachte Paniktests.

Zeichen des Großen Grashimmels

max 1 per Army

Die Einheit des Trägers erhält Swiftstride.

Banner der Gyengget

max 1 per Army

Alle Modellteile in der Einheit des Trägers müssen natürliche Treffer-, Verwundungs- und Rüstungswürfe von '1' in der ersten Nahkampfrunde wiederholen (dies betrifft auch Spezialattacken).

Banner of Speed

max 3 per Army

A unit with one or more Banners of Speed gains +1″ Advance Rate and +2″ March Rate.

Stalker's Standard

max 3 per Army

The bearer’s unit gains Strider.

Aether Icon

max 3 per Army

The bearer gains Magic Resistance (1). If the unit contains a model with another instance of Magic Resistance, it increases that model’s Magic Resistance value by 1 instead.

Banner of Discipline

max 3 per Army

The bearer’s unit may reroll failed Panic Tests. If the Battle Standard Bearer or the General is part of the bearer’s unit, it automatically passes Panic Tests instead.

Flaming Standard

max 3 per Army

One use only. May be activated at the start of a Round of Combat or before shooting with the bearer’s unit.
The bearer’s unit gains Flaming Attacks. If activated when Engaged in Combat, the effect lasts until the bearer’s unit is no longer Engaged in Combat. If activated before shooting with the bearer’s unit, the effect lasts until the end of the phase.

Banner of the Relentless Company

max 3 per Army

One use only. May be activated during the owner’s Movement Phase. All Infantry models in the bearer’s unit always have March Rate 15″, until the end of the Player Turn. Only a single Banner of the Relentless Company may be activated during the same phase.

Legion Standard

max 3 per Army

A unit with one Legion Standard increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +1 (normally this means the unit can add up to 4 Full Ranks to its Combat Score). A unit with two or more Legion Standards increases the maximum of its Rank Bonus by +2 instead.

Racial Trait Spell

Gießen Angebot Art Dauer Bewirken
H Children of Umi All Melee Attacks against the target suffer −1 to wound.
{In addition, all Shamans in the target unit gain +1 Resilience.}
Mf ⟨6+⟩ {8+} 18" Augment Letzter Zug
All Melee Attacks against the target suffer −1 to wound.
{In addition, all Shamans in the target unit gain +1 Resilience.}

Army Organisation



(40% Max)



(25% Least)



(No Limit)

Powder Keg

Powder Keg

(35% Max)

Chained Beasts

Chained Beasts

(30% Max)

Wildheart Organisation



(40% Max)



(20% Least)



(No Limit)

Powder Keg

Powder Keg

(35% Max)

Chained Beasts

Chained Beasts

(30% Max)


Großer Khan

single model
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
5 6 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Großer Khan 5 6 5 2 4

Enchantment Options

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts


(0-2 per Army)

65 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(foot only, 0-1 per Army, 0-1 item per Unit)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts


(1-1 per Army, Each army must have one general, Each army can not have more than one general)


(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
up to 200 pts
10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
10 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
10 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
5 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts
10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts


single model
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
4 5 5 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Khan 4 5 5 2 3

Enchantment Options

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts


(0-2 per Army)

65 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(foot only, 0-1 per Army, 0-1 item per Unit)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts


(1-1 per Army, Each army must have one general, Each army can not have more than one general)


(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
up to 100 pts
10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
5 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts
10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts
10 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
10 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts


single model
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
4 4 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Schamane 3 4 4 1 2

Enchantment Options

50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts

Magic Options

95 pts
265 pts







(0-2 per Army)

65 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(foot only, 0-1 per Army, 0-1 item per Unit)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts


(1-1 per Army, Each army can not have more than one general, Each army must have one general)


(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
up to 100 pts
up to 200 pts
5 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
5 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
10 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
15 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts


single model
0-2 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-4 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
7" 14" 9
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
4 5 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Mammutjäger 4 5 5 2 4

Enchantment Options

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

70 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts


(0-2 per Army)

65 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 per Army)

45 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

40 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts

(foot only, 0-1 per Army, 0-1 item per Unit)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts


(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(1-1 per Army, Each army can not have more than one general, Each army must have one general)


(0-1 per Army)

30 pts

(foot only, 0-1 per Army, 0-1 item per Unit)

35 pts

(foot only, 0-1 per Army, 0-1 item per Unit)

90 pts
55 pts

(0-1 per Army)

50 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts
up to 100 pts
10 pts

(0-1 per Army)

45 pts
10 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts
15 pts
50 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
15 pts

(0-1 per Army)

90 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(foot only, 0-1 item per Unit)

15 pts
50 pts
45 pts
40 pts
35 pts

(0-1 per Army)

35 pts
25 pts
20 pts

(0-1 per Army)

15 pts
15 pts
15 pts

Mount Options

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit)

25 pts

(0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit, 0-1 item per Unit)

270 pts
Characters Chained Beasts

Mount Basaltbestie

single model
0-1 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-1 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
7" 14" C
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
6 2 6 3
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Basaltbestie 5 3 6 3 2


160pts + 40 pts/extra model
3-13 models
0-4 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-4 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 7
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
3 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Stammeskrieger 3 3 4 1 2


10 pts/mod.

Command Group Options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


180pts + 70 pts/extra model
3-12 models
0-4 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-4 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
3 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Schläger 3 3 4 1 2

Command Group Options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


110pts + 5 pts/extra model
20-60 models
0-4 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-4 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
4" 8" 6
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
1 2 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Schrottlinge 1 2 3 0 3



(0-100 Models per Army)

1 pts/mod.

Command Group Options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts


100pts + 25 pts/extra model
1-20 models
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)

Units of 5 or more models count towards Core instead of Special.

Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
8" 16" 5
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
2 4 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Säbelzahntiger 3 4 4 1 4


80pts + 5 pts/extra model
5-10 models
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
4" 8" 6
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
1 2 3 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Fallensteller 1 2 3 0 3

Command Group Options

10 pts


360pts + 95 pts/extra model
3-5 models
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
8" 14" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
3 3 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Reiter 3 3 4 1 2
Hauerbestie 4 3 5 2 2


5 pts/mod.
15 pts/mod.

Command Group Options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts


180pts + 65 pts/extra model
3-8 models
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
3 4 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Söldner-Veteran 4 4 5 2 3


3 pts/mod.
7 pts/mod.
8 pts/mod.
16 pts/mod.

(0-6 Models per Unit)

29 pts/mod.

(each choice is One of a Kind)

(0-2 item per Unit)

3 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

8 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

3 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

3 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

12 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

15 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

8 pts/mod.

(0-2 item per Unit)

5 pts/mod.

Command Group Options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts
Powder Keg
Powder Keg


single model
0-2 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-2 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 6" 7
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
5 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Kanonier-Besatzung 3 3 4 1 2
Schrottling-Besatzung 1 2 3 0 3
Wollnashorn 3 3 5 2 2
Chassis 5 2
Powder Keg


single model
0-2 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-2 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 6" 6
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
5 3 5 3
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Scrapling Crew 1 2 3 0 3
Wollnashorn 3 3 5 2 2
Chassis 5 2
Scrapling Crew:
Powder Keg


170pts + 60 pts/extra model
3-8 models
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 7
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
3 3 4 0
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Bombardier 3 3 4 1 2

Command Group Options

10 pts
10 pts
10 pts
no limit

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-1 per Army)

75 pts

(0-3 per Army)

50 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

40 pts

(0-3 per Army)

35 pts

(0-3 per Army)

25 pts

(0-1 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts

(0-3 per Army)

10 pts
Chained Beasts
Chained Beasts


single model
0-2 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-2 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
7" 14" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
6 2 6 3
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Reiter 3 4 4 1 3
Basaltbestie 5 3 6 3 2


10 pts
Chained Beasts


single model
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
6" 12" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
6 3 6 3
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Rider 3 4 4 1 3
Eismammut 4 3 6 3 2


10 pts
10 pts
Chained Beasts


single model
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
7" 14" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Sklavenriese 5 3 5 2 3


25 pts
25 pts
40 pts
Chained Beasts

Supplement Slave Giant

single model
0-3 Units/Army (Army Organisation)
0-3 Units/Army (Wildheart Organisation)
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
7" 14" 8
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
7 3 5 1
Offensive Att Off Str Ap Agi
Slave Giant 5 3 5 2 3
Slave Giant:


25 pts
25 pts
25 pts
40 pts