Grail Reliquae

Driven by obsession, Grail Pilgrims collect anything a Grail Knight casts away. To the pilgrims, the reliquae fashioned from this detritus is an icon of devotion to both the Lady and her saints.

The Grail Reliquae is placed in the centre of the front rank of its unit (or as close to the centre as possible) and occupies the space of, and counts as, six models; two in the front rank, two in the second and two in the third. If the unit turns or reforms, the Grail Reliquae must be repositioned into the new front rank.

Casualties are removed from the unit as normal, but the Grail Reliquae cannot lose any Wounds whilst any Battle Pilgrims remain. Only once all of the Battle Pilgrims have been removed from the unit can the Grail Reliquae itself lose Wounds.

The Grail Reliquae counts as both a standard bearer and a musician for its unit. Whilst the Grail Reliquae model itself is within 12" of a friendly model that has the Grail Vow and is not fleeing, its unit gains the Immune to Psychology and Unbreakable special rules.