Wailing Dirge

The chilling howl of a restless spirit is an omen of death and despair, capable of crippling even the most resilient prey.

During the Shooting phase of its turn, unless it marched during the preceding Movement phase, a model with this special rule may make a ‘Wailing Dirge’ attack. A Wailing Dirge attack may target any enemy unit that is within 8" of this model (including units that are engaged in combat) and that this model can draw a line of sight to, or that this model is engaged in combat with.

The target must make a Leadership test with a -2 modifier to its Leadership characteristic (to a minimum of 2). If this test is failed, the target suffers a number of wounds equal to the amount by which it failed the test, with no armour or Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Note that a Wailing Dirge attack can target an enemy character, regardless of the usual rules for targeting Lone characters